Kehidupan aku as Medical Student

  • 2:36 AM
  • By ツ Stethoscope ツ


Lama betul tak jejak kaki kat blog ni. Berhabuk, berkarat, semua ada. Bila tenung, tengok lama2 blog aku, rasa girlish sangat pulokkk , Aiseh -.- ni semua kerja aku time highschool. Now dah takde girly2 tu. Haha. Kalau ada pun 1% je kot? And dont ask bila nak tukar ke arah layout yang mature sikit ke ape. MALAS . hahaha

    Malas nak panjangkan cerita, hmm aku nak mengadu kat blog yang minggu ni dah masuk minggu ke-6 aku bergelar medical student. *pat my own shoulder . Hahahah . Okay dipendekkan cerita, aku belajor dekat Cyberjaya Universiti College of Medical Sciences ( CUCMS ).
Masuk tepat2 pada 14 Ogos 2014 ( Hari Khamis - daftar pukul 9.30 pg ) . Detail kan memory tu? ahah
Basically, sume yang belajor kat sini aliran medical and seangkatan dengannya :- Pharm, Allied Sc, Psychology n ext.

   Aliran Medic here belajar by block. Means belajor 1 particular subject je for the allocated time . contoh my 1st block was Behavioral Science for 3 weeks and then now, move on to 2nd block, Anatomy ( 4 weeks ) and currently tgh 3rd weeks. Time Behavioral Science, pembelajaran lebih kepada SCTL ( where student need to find info on your own and present the assignment kat depan hall tu ) Penat? Sangat.... -_-  and for Anatomy, more to lecture. But then yang cuaknya, here we have short quiz every MONDAY and exam or long quiz every FRIDAY !! and of course menghafal and membaca fakta2 berjela tu boleh dikatakan rutin hidup kitorang. Hahaha and I must say that leisure time memang paras NEGATIF!!! So warning! Anyone who want to enroll in this field, please be prepared MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY!!

   Takut ke ? Dont be. Like my fabulous mami always said, "Kalau orang lain boleh buat kenapa kita tak boleh?' In Sha Allah kalau usaha sungguh2 dapat. USAHA-DOA-TAWAKKAL
Kalau ikutkan hati ade je time rase nak nangis out loud. Stress and with all the quiz and exam and a lot to absorb at the very short time? Memang rasa nak berguling-guling atas padang rumput. Here's a tip to survive, Dont ever PUTUS ASA. Have Faith in Allah SWT. He'S THE BEST PLANNER after all kan?

    Ada satu masa ni I feel terribly sad, because usaha yang aku rasa banyak membuahkan hasil or result yang tak memberangsangkan. It's normal to feel quite disappointed. Tapi we have to terima hakikat yang result yang kita dapat is the best for us! Kalau tak menepati goal kita, must be something lack kan? Usaha ada, maybe kurang doa? hubungan dengan Pencipta kita ? kurang doa ibu bapa? hubungan sesama manusia yang kita kurang jaga? Guru? lecturer? dosa2 kita sebelum ni. So apa-apa pun muhasabah diri dulu. That is really important . Especially in this tough course! Dont EVER lose hope or lose confidence! kadang2 I even googled and find some ayat2 motivasi to motivate myself , and I found this advice ( the pic below )

Yes. Tak kira berapa ratus jam kita study, or how much we memorize all the fakta2 dalam buku tebal beribu muka surat, akhir sekali kita kena kembali pada Allah swt. Kepadanya kita berserah dan kepadaNya kita meminta pertolongan. :) No matter what course you take, REMEMBER,

' Hidup dan Mati kita hanya kerana Allah SWT '
and not to forget

'Lillahi Ta'ala in everything we do'


Sekian, Assalamualaikum *yawn -tulis pagi2 buta ni.

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1 ulasan

  1. Taibah lailie ahmad..really miss you..


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