10 tips on how to survive 1st Professional Examination ( Pro Exam )

  • 4:39 AM
  • By ツ Stethoscope ツ

( Exclusive for 2nd Year medical students )

Alhamdulillah tamat sudah my first professional exam on 13th-16th June 2016. Allahu kalau diberi peluang untuk ulang ke apa memang tak mungkin lah nak ulang. Bersyukur sangat2 dpt survive!

So here I want to share tips to my fellow juniors on how to survive pro exam.
Bukan apa, dulu aku banyak giler google blog nk tau how med student prepare themselves for pro exam but yeah hampa bila xjumpa pun apa yg aku cari. 

Tapi apa yg I list ni ekceli my way la. I dont know how others did, I only share based on my experiences. Different ppl different style and tak perlu pun ikut . Ade je orang just study lecture notes pass dengan cemerlang gemilang je. Rezeki masing2 :) 

I hope my sharing bermanfaat untuk korang yg bakal sit for pro exam.

So from my experiences :-                                                         

1. Form study group

Serius cakap study group mmg sgt beneficial. As we all know, medic mmg byk topic yg kita kena cover, so by dividing topics to each members of the group, burden will be lesssen and each person will kuasai one particular topic.So anything regarding that topic, kita blh tanya org yg expert bab tu.
Forming study group tu patutnya buat awal2 2nd year. Dalam 2bulan pertama 2nd year tu dah digalakkan buat study group.

Optimum bilangan orang per group is 4. Paling max pun 5. From my experience group more than 5 byk masa kita habiskan sembang benda lain tapi kalau group korang sume budak baik budak study, go ahead. Take the risk.
Lagi satu, pilihlah groupmates betul2. I prefer yg komited n flexible. Kalau boleh elakkan pilih yg always bz. Bila buat study group je dia xde, buat je xde. So dia akan ketinggalan! Dia rugi kita pun rugi. So yeah better pilih betul2.
Lepastu pandai2 koranglah nk buat group telegram ke wassap ke line ke ape2 utk share files,media n bahan2 for study group.

Masa utk study group pulak up to you guys. Ada yg buat  2jam sehari after class, kalau yg form awal2 lagi study group, blh buat pagi every weekend, ada yg buat everytime ada masa free and macam2 gaya. So depend pada korang, tapi better ada jadual la.

For my study group, sorang diberi masa sejam utk explain her part. This is to avoid drag masa terlalu lama and we dont want to waste time. And sehari sebelum tu kalau boleh decide dah who to perform first from pukul brapa to pukul berapa ( Kalau korang buat study group last minute, korang mmg kesuntukan masa, so use it wisely )

One of the topic during our study session ( Cardiovascular System )

2. Make a to-do-list

Yg to-do-list ni style yg aku pilih bcoz im not a timetable person. So aku buat benda ni . Kalau aku, aku beli one tiny whiteboard n gantung kat dinding. I will make lists on apa kena buat that day . Contoh :

 A. Review modul 3 nervous system
 B. Revise haematology

Tapi boleh je korang tulis dalam buku ke tab ke, tak kisah. Well kalau korang buat timetable lagi bagus ekceli :)

3. Study at least 1hour a day!

Find your study hours and at least 1hr pun jadilah. 1hr utk recall apa yg lecturer ajar kat kls pagi tu. Yes kalau xstudy langsung in a day mmg high chance utk lupa melainkan anda genius. 

Berkenaan masa, i choose to study malam . Dalam pukul 9 sampai pukul 1. Takdelah study straight xberhenti. After 45min, take 10min break . Biasanya i will take a nap at this time. Tapi diff ppl diff style. Ada yg prefer tido awal n bgn pukul 4pg to study so its up to you guys! Find your own study hour! Asalkan study ok?

4. Make a treasure book!

Pebenda ni? Dalam bahasa melayu blh jgk panggil buku serbaguna. 
Yup . 
Buku dimana kau tulis semua isi2 penting medic yg pneumonic bagai yg kau catit secara RINGKAS.

Beli satu buku sederhana kecik yg boleh bawak kemana2 n biar melekat dekat kau 24/7. Kalau boleh yang tebal la. Nak muatkan semua info2 pendek.

Why buat? Ye takkan lah kau xingat satu benda kau nak terkam tengok balik buku teks tebal papa Robbins takpun Mama Robbins tu kan? Apatah lagi bila nak dekat2 exam. Not efficient. Meh 😒

So yes, bila ada apa2 info2 kau tulis je dlm buku tu . Oh ye, kalau boleh cari yg kukuh eh jgn yg senang koyak. Menangis nanti kalau kne tulis balik semua benda yg dh ditulis . 

Contoh buku serbaguna 1 (guna buku tulis kecik biasa)

Contoh 2- Sederhana kecik ( Its mine haha- bad writing n bad drawing)

Contoh 3- buku kosong tak bergaris saiz buku tulis biasa

I usually makes this book colorful conteng dgn pen kaler2 so that tk bosan nk baca nota nnti. Tapi dependlah, nak tulis atas kertas A4 lps tu compile pun boleh. Asal korang selesa.
Tapi make sure la buat nota seringkas mungkin. Tak perlu macam tulis esei haha

5. Record video during lab session + Record video of YOU explaining parts of body

Yeah yang ni sgt beneficial. Tapi depend la lecturer bg ke tak. Kitorang, lecturer xkisah, so rekod je. Simple yet powerful ok. Sbb bila kau lupa ape yg prof ckp kau can simply bukak video yg lecturer ajar. 
Biasanya kitorang record yg lab session punya, time lecturer tgh terangkan part2 dekat cadaver, so xyah dah bukak atlas bila kau nk revise nanti, bukak je video tu. Senang kerja 😆. 
Kalau lecture biasa, biasanya I will record audio je. So that malam2 blh revise balik bukak note sambil dengar explanation lecturer guna earfon. 

Recording our own video on fibula
 Utk record video sendiri plk,  benda ni kitorang buat time 1st year ( Sebab musculoskeletal system kitorang belajar time 1st year ) Each of us pergi dekat resource centre , choose one body parts of model- cth skull n rakam video mengomel sorang2 sambil tunjuk part ni nama ape ni name apa. 

Kitorang bahagikan antara kitorang sape buat leg, foot,sape buat arm forearm, and blablabla . Then kitorang buat group telegram- and send video yg dirakam. So yeah. Bila 2nd year, kitorang bukak je balik group video anatomy tu so kat situ dah senang kerja and save a lot of time too utk revision for Pro exam. 

Apart from video lecturer, buat video korang jgk can help a lot im memorising :) *i used telegram sbb senang share files jgk n telegram tak mkn memori fon. Wassap mkn . 

6. Hafal histology and histopathology!

Okeh ni part Ospe. Serius cakap kalau nak survive Ospe ekceli memang kena hafal . We actually akan tangkap gambar kat mikroskop and share dlm group. Then kitorang main teka2 gambar ni organ apa, ada ape special kat organ ni and apa type of epithelium dia. 

Gambar histo under mikroskop

Same goes with histopathology and pots. Kitorang akan tangkap gambar and main teka2 jugak. I tell you memang sumpah berkesan. Bila tengah exam kau nampak benda tu serius kau dapat teka * hasil main teka teki memang power efek dia, for me lah hahaha xtaulah korang macam mana. Well im just suggesting ways of studying, kalau korang prefer cara lain pun ok, no hal.

7. Study according to core knowledge

Yup, pi mintak kat lecturer tanya elok2 apa core knowledge for each system yg kita kena tau so that kita tak tertinggal apa2 dlm checklist tu. Kita xnak kan study bagai nak rak tetiba bila exam ada this word 'oh i forgot to study this topic!' Yeah kita serius xnak benda ni jadi. So better be safe than sorry.

8. Buat soalan2 past years! and soalan2 lain sebanyak yg mungkin.

Well, this actually helps a lot in knowing ape jenis soalan yg bakal ditanya. yeah ,kinda what to expect in exam la. So pergilah mintak soalan2 dekat senior2 tersayang. Ospe osce jgn lupakan! Make sure jawab habis soalan2 past year before you proceed buat soalan2 dkt web ke, usmle ke . Okay? 
Soalan2 osce past year kalau boleh jawab and praktis at the same time.  

Apart from soalan past years, carik jugak soalan2 from any sorces. Dengan jawab soalan, you actually test yourself on how much you know about every particular topic. Contoh, tgh jawab soalan pasal AMI, lepas tu stuck, xtau nk jawab apa, its okay. At least kita tau, kita belum kuasai secara mendalam lagi topic AMI. So revise balik that topic or try discuss between group member or directly ask lecturer. 

Antara soalan yg aku stuck nk jawab- siap tanya dr Beni lagi kat twitter

Soalan ospe and osce pun jangan dilupa utk cari banyak2 and try jawab. Like I said, Ospe lagi senang kalau main teka-teka . For Osce, kena practise banyak2 utk kurangkan gugup and to gain confidence plus you'll find the flow very smooth if you're confident.

9. Simplified notes by making tables!

 Tables actually simplified lots of things! DRUGS, Nerve lesion, muscles,clinical coorelates semua boleh buat tables. Tapi drugs memang senang ingat kalau guna tables. Oh yes! Microbes too! Gram positive, negatives, acid fast bacili. Pokok pangkalnya, table mmg senangkan kerja kita, Senang nak tengok, tak berterabur or serabut and senang ingat :)

Antara table shared by one of my batchmates :)

10. Buat concept map about every disease in core knowledge. 

Kalau rajin, hehe tak wajib pun ekceli, but i prefer this way.

Kalau muat satu  page concept map tu every pathophysiology of signs n symptoms, lagi elok masukkan. Biasanya i will use one whole A4 paper . Kalau blh guna satu page je utk include everything we need to know abt the disease so senang xyah selak page lain . Then compile diseases under the same system utk lagi teratur. Tak perlu cantik2, asalkan boleh baca pun dah kira ok.
I also encourage my groupmates to do the same- so blhla fotostat diorang punya hahaha. Lagi senang kerja ekceli. Study smart gais ;) 
Kat atas tu antara mind maps and concept maps yg dibuat oleh my studygroupmates :D

Lastly, after kita dah usaha semampu mungkin, kita hanya mampu berdoa n tawakkal. Jgn lupa doakan juga kawan2 kita yg sama2 menempuhi peperiksaan.

Moga Allah permudah.


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