Kolej Teknologi Timur

  • 6:09 PM
  • By ツ Stethoscope ツ


Hmm . I think I need to cerita serba sedikit pasal Kolej Teknologi Timur sebab mmg tersangat pasti spm leavers now ramai tgh goggling abt where to pursue your study kan? Aku pun ada like a month lagi kat sini but its not too late too share I guess. 

Okeh secara generalnya. KTT is a private college . Located in Sepang . Not kat pantai timur . Course yg ade kat sini are Cambrige A-Level, Foundation in Science, course diploma Uitm, Utm n Upm n internal n program sijil . 

Honestly, bila dpt tawaran mara ckp kena buat Foundation in KTT , mmg aku tak kenal KTT -.- 
Yes, MARA and JPA send students to do preparation here. Wether local or overseas. Hmm so adik2 jangan terkejut .

KTT punya structure mcm rumah kedai . Kat atas is our apartment and kat bawah is the lecture hall and classroom and staffroom. 

This might seems a lil bias -.- bcoz For student with scholarship, satu rumah ade 4 orang . Bcoz ade 2 bilik and 2 person per room and other student , 1 rumah 8 org . Hmm 
Kemudahan bilik air and ampaian disediakan . No dapur . Just sinki je. Almari , kipas , meja belajar, katil, tilam and batal are also disediakan . Dont worry , ada shower. Tak mandi pakai baldi :/

 -This is the keadaan of my apartment when i first come here. Sori pic blurr- 

Apa yang tak disediakan and
yang korang perlu bawak are :- 
-of course korang punya pakaian
-Cadar and sarung bantal 
-periuk nasi n seangkatan dgnnya 
(Kalau nak masak sndiri)
-peti sejuk n mesin basuh
(Mesin basuh ade kat bawah but kne bayar )
-rak kasut , karpet and seangkatan dengannya 
-jam dinding
-sepit kain n hanger 

-My room . I got new tilam n new bantal -

Hmm . Ape lagi ek? Oh ok. Kalau nk beli barang dapur , there are 3 options, Giant, Tesco and Mydin . Hmm as for movies, korang have to go to Alamanda ,yg tu paling dekat -.- 

Library bukak jgk at night for your information. But just until 10.30 or 10.45 . Weekend tutup -.- 
Surau , court futsal ada . 

Here's the warning ! 
Korang jangan expect perfection coz yes.. It's not . Here is not secanggih Taylor or other private colleges.
You might find it hard to survive here or to sesuaikan diri korang with the whole new enviroment . But yes. Everything is not perfect . It is our job to make it ; at least look perfect :) 


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4 ulasan

  1. Permohonan Diploma UTM, UiTM & UPM telah dibuka skg.. Jgn lepaskan peluang keemasan ini.. hanya click link di bawah utk permohonan segera :

  2. salam .nk tnye ..jpa-mara ad offer course medic dkat ktt kn bkh sy thu course ape sbb mse apply tuh dia ad tulis ijazah pertma di ipts tp bila tgk jgka masa 12 bulan jer ... a lil bit confius ...blh sesape terang x.sy lpsn spm 2015.ad iv jpa mara 20 hb ni.hihi...


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